Heartland Staff

Dale Assink

Executive Strategist

Dale now assumes the executive responsibilities of our region. His focus will be on empowering classis leaders to implement a Heartland vision for multiplication and emotional health.

Fabio Sosa

Mission Advancement Director

In his role as Mission Advancement Director, Fabio plays a crucial role in the regional, national, and Global Churches connections. His job is to motivate and develop in the 6 Classis of the Synod: mission and expansion in this new stage of growth in Heartland Leaders.

Alicia Beaver


Responsible for all the crucial details of record-keeping and the finances and functioning of the Synod of the Heartland. For any questions please contact her through a phone call or email.

Ryan Feltman

Director of Youth Ministry

Serves as Director of Youth Ministries; provides leadership training and resources for youth sponsors, youth events and service projects; provides personal leadership and consultations for youth groups.

Zoe Heemstra

Youth Ministry Event Coordinator

Coordinates Synod youth events such as Middle School Retreat, HIS Work Camp, Power Connection, PC Work Camp and Rocky Mountain High.
Works on promotions, registration, youth pastor communication, volunteer staff communication, and event site logistics.
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Youth Ministry.

Tim Poppen

Media Specialist

Helps with all forms of communications for the Synod. Produces videos, website, newsletters and writes articles for varioius magazines and the Synod of the Heartland about various ministries throughout the Synod. He also produces videos for Worship House Media.