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New Classis in Heartland Synod

New Classis in Heartland Synod

FROM ARTICLE ON RCA.ORGfor full article - TEXAS CLASSIS Last fall, a new RCA classis quietly launched, but the excitement and momentum surrounding it resounds loud and clear. The name—International Classis of Texas—points to both the current reality and the vision for...

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Bethel, Sheldon New Ministry Facility

Bethel, Sheldon New Ministry Facility

Bethel Reformed Church in Sheldon, Iowa is in the process of building a new Minstry Facility. Construction began in July 2023. To stay up to date with the construction process, check out the Bethel webpage here. Here's some info from the NW...

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Synod goes to Argentina

Synod goes to Argentina

Three days in Buenos Aires Three days in Buenos Aires were filled with anticipation and excitement as the team of Dale and Dawn Assink, Fabio Sosa, Eddy and Daysi Aleman, Ted and Andrea Goodwin, Rick Clark and Luis Ruiz embarked on a mission to connect with pastors...

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A New Day

A New Day

Leaders from across the Synod of the Heartland met in Sioux City, Iowa on February 3 and 4, 2023 to talk about the future plans for the Synod. Peace Reformed Church hosted the two day event that included lots of discussion, lots of ideas and lots of prayer. “This...

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Central Plains Classis Meeting

Central Plains Classis Meeting

Central Plains Classis Meeting There is excitement in the Synod of the Heartland! On July 21-24 the Central Plains Classis met in Omaha, Nebraska for a powerful and unique meeting. Central Plains has long been one of the smallest Classis in the Synod, but now, in just...

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